Getting started

How to clean your paddleboard after use

Cleaning your paddleboard will lengthen the life of your SUP. It is very easy to complete and shouldn’t take too much time. Unfortunately, proper cleaning of your paddleboard isoften an overlooked step when caring for your investment.

It is important to remember that paddleboarding is an outdoor activity and dirt, mud, sand, and whatever else you might come across is all part of the experience. However, cleaning your board regularly will increase its life and keep you exploring for many years to come.

No matter if you have a rigid board or an inflatable board the process for cleaning your SUP is very similar.

Tools needed for cleaning your SUP:

- Mild soap (Avoid using solvents or strong chemicals)

- A sponge or soft-bristled brush

- Freshwater

- Towel

- Possibly a magic eraser to scrub off scuff marks

1. When should you clean your paddleboard?

If you are using your paddleboard regularly then we recommend that you give it a proper clean every few uses. If you use your board in saltwater then you should rinse it with fresh water after every use. If you are paddling in dirty or oily water then we recommend that you also rinse it with fresh water after every use.If you are storing your paddleboard for a long period of time e.g storing it for winter, then we recommend that you give it a thorough clean before putting it into storage.

2. Rinse your paddleboard

Place your board onto grass or a soft surface that won’t scratch it. If you own an inflatable board then semi inflate it so that it takes the shape of a board. This will help you to make sure that you have washed off all of the sand or dirt that might be hidden in the cracks or crevices.

Get out your hose or pressure washer and thoroughly rinse off your board. Make sure you pay attention to the fin box, mounts, straps or anywhere that dirt or sand could hide.

3. Use soap

We only recommend that you use a mild soap to clean your SUP. Dilute the cleaner into a bucket with fresh water and use a soft brush or sponge to clean the board. This should remove most of the dirt and marks from the board. If you don’t have a specific paddleboard or paddlesports cleaner you can use dish soap instead.

If any marks are not coming off with the mild soap then try to use a magic eraser on the stubborn marks. We do not recommend you use the magic eraser on the tail pad, however, if the tail pad still has persistent marks then try some extra elbow grease.

4. For inflatable SUPs only - Check the air valve

It is important to check the valve for any sand or dirt. If anything is left in the valve it could cause the board to leak air. It is not necessary to use soap in the valve so feel free to simply rinse it out with water. If the dirt is persistent and stays in there you can use a cotton bud to fish the dirt or sand out. Also opening the air value when the SUP is completely inflated can clear out any debris. The air will force any foreign objects out of that area.

5. Rinse off the soap

Once you are happy with the cleanliness of your board, rinse it off with fresh water.Make sure to pay extra attention to the fin box and valves and clear any soap residue from these areas.

6. Dry your board completely

The next step is to dry your board completely. You can dry your SUP with a towel or if it is sunny where you are and you have the time you can leave it to air dry outside. It is important to not store your paddleboard while it is wet. This is because it can cause mould to grow.

If you use a board bag make sure both the bag and your SUP are completely dry before putting it away for storage. There is nothing worse than a smelly, mouldy board and bag.

7. Use a UV protectant spray

It is inevitable that your board will get damaged by UV rays. The longer that it is left out in the sunlight the higher the chance it will lose some of its protectants. Some boards can become discoloured from extended UV exposure.

A fantastic solution is to use a UV protectant spray annually. You can also use this spray on your paddle as well and this will help to protect the plastic from degradation from theUV. Using this spray will improve the longevity of your board.

8. Store your board correctly

Knowing the best place to store your board is key to protecting it for years to come. The best place to store your paddleboard is in a cool dry location. This might be inside your home or in your shed or garage. No matter where it is, make sure that your SUP is not exposed to sunlight as this will damage your board.

Very important things to avoid when cleaning your board:

- Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners on your SUP. These could damage both your paddleboard and the deck pad.

- Do not scrub any stickers or logos or graphics on your board. Be careful to only use water on these more sensitive areas as there is a chance that rough cleaning and the use of soaps could remove the stickers from their original location.

- Do not stand the board up on either its tail or nose when cleaning it. There is a greater risk of it falling if you are cleaning it while the board is standing up. We recommend that you lay the board down on grass or a similar soft surface while you are cleaning it.

With proper maintenance and cleaning of your paddleboard, you are making sure that your board will last a long time. If you follow these simple steps you will protect your investment and allow yourself many more fun days spent out on the water.

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